Went supporting our friend running the #MarathonDeParis today

Finishing the day by watching my beloved #Birdland #Orioles

Friday is Market Day

Josephine the neighborhood sheep

A great day today, punctuated by our first apéro on the Balcony, what with the higher-than-usual temperature and all around sunny day today!

Last night at the @ParisBasketball game 🏀 The new arena will open next January and will be a 6mn bike ride from home so we’re tempted to get Season Tickets 🎫

Reading about “Wavelengths” reminds me how, fundamentally, my friend groups are so segmented that social apps and group chats are not quite for me 😞

Monday Funday

👸🏻 🥕 🍰 Wonderfully Lazy Sunday

Saturday adventures


Reading this article about “Movies that Flopped at the (US) Box Office but are still worth your time”, I get the feeling that while Hollywood is great at making movies, the audiences are much better and more receptive in Europe.

Just my 2cts.

Top trends — bonsoir Twitter

I dunno if this one is so bold to Orioles fans and anyone who’s been paying attention these past 18 months but…

“4. The Baltimore Orioles will make the playoffs”


.@FallOutBoy’s #FolieADeux is my favorite album of theirs so this new #SoMuchForStardust is a great discovery!

Tattoos Do Odd Things to the Immune System - The Atlantic

Just came out from watching #JohnWickChapter4

We go to the movies to see the inexplicable and the incredible. Such sublime moments require no justification beyond the pleasure they provide to viewers. And if you like action movies, John Wick: Chapter 4 will give you a lot of pleasure — literally, as roughly half of this three hour fever dream of a movie is fight scenes of various kinds.


I haven’t seen enough people talk about how great of a show Shrinking is!

It’s got so much heart and great writing and actors so I am glad it got renewed over at @AppleTV
