Another day, another @ParisBasketball game, another win!

5-for-5 this season so far across 2 different competitions

๐ŸŽถ Been meaning to read this for years so glad to finally catch-up via the Audiobook

Rugby night ๐Ÿ‰ ๐Ÿฅƒ

๐ŸŽถ Blink-182 is forever!


๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ“บ 2 years after its release, the NBA finally uploaded this documentary about the Basketball Scene in Paris for free on their YT channel!

Really loved the content and format!

The Champion’s League is back, baby!

Paris Basketball season opener LFG!

๐ŸŽถ Had a lot of fun catching up on the live set from Sum 41 at this year’s HellFest!

You know itโ€™s especially bad when FIFA (FUCKING FIFA!!!) has the moral high ground #RFEF

๐Ÿ“บ Time to start Ashoka: early reviews have been glowing, unlike Secret Invasion

While Iโ€™m still looking for freelance work, Iโ€™m happy to share that my Sorare, Fantasy Premier League and Fantasy Bundesliga teams are ready!

Now just one more week until the Fantasy Football draft and then weโ€™ll really be back to our regular schedule!

Tonightโ€™s double-feature:

โšฝ๏ธ Manchester Cityโ€™s home opener against Newcastle #MCINEW #CmonCity

๐Ÿ‰ Franceโ€™s last test game against Fiji, before we host our Rugby World Cup in just a few weeks! #FRAvFIJ #NeFaisonsXV #AllezLesBleus

Home ๐Ÿก ๐ŸŒž

Traveling by trainSwimming in the poolRelaxingViews from Antibes, French RivieraSwimming pool

As a #ManCity supporter, I’m quite excited to watch this Chelsea-Liverpool game as a neutral! #CHELIV

Another little solo walk in the forest today

Walking in the Woods

Never Underestimate The Power of Speaking French in Paris…

Thereโ€™s a great article on The Ringer, about Apple TV+ and how the service is doing so far!

Personally Iโ€™ve been happily impressed by their refreshing approach and quality shows!

So excited for the start of the season and this Community Shield game! C’mon City!