Love this take from @Manton about #ArtificialIntelligence:

“Using AI has helped me understand what actually makes us uniquely human.”


🎶 Happy new @blink182 release day to all those who celebrate religiously! #PopPunkKid

KC Chiefs fans, eh?!

Movie review: Ready or Not | ★★★½

Conceptually, this movie was quite original

"Ready or not" movie poster &10;

Best Hype Videos in the game! 🏈

Go Ravens! #RavensFlock

Liz Cheney, the first Republican with a backbone!

“democratic politics ought to be viewed very much like Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs are in psychology. Some things matter more than others. And (…)  nothing matters more than support for democracy itself and the rule of law.”


🏈 Loved learning more about my QB, Lamar Jackson, and especially about how he manages keeping his private life… private!

Portrait of Lamar Jackson, quarterback for the Baltimore Ravens. Photo Credit: The Athletic.

Starting to get really excited about my Ravens and the start of the NFL season this weekend! 🏈

Baltimore Ravens

🛹 Dad goals

My 2024 Fantasy Football Draft Results

🏈 I’ve been running a league with a few friends for the past 5 years or so, and even won in my 3rd year! Here’s my team as we get ready for the season next weekend!

“The Creator” - movie review

“The Creator” - 3.5/5 Glad enough enough time has passed that I could form my own opinion of this movie. Quite liked it and visually/conceptually it was really interesting!

⚽️ Excited to see Superjack back in the starting XI! #CmonCiteh @Mancity

Why an Asian American Reporter Wanted to Write About Romance

⚽️ Gonna need to find a way to pick up tickets to the @ManCity game in Paris on January 22nd! #ChampionsLeague

Threading 1, 2, 3…

Never in doubt that they would handle this interview without a scratch

Life lately: Paris 2024 Olympics and other summer things

My favorite City player is back where he belongs 🤩

Not the most articulate scenario to move the franchise forward but a very good execution and glad to get some expanded lore, world-building and exciting visuals out of this!

Works really well as a summer blockbuster to cool you down on a hot summer day.


Alien Romulus poster

Keep your eyes on the prize

Screenshot of an article from The Atlantic: “Democrats need to be more French” by Thomas Chatterton Williams