
I just wanna see the light

[soundcloud url="api.soundcloud.com/tracks/29…" params=“auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=“100%” height=“450” iframe=“true” /]

Panic at the Disco x The Weeknd x Daft Punk - Starboy (Cover)


Vlog 016: Walking in Paris

VLOG 016 IS OUT — the first part of my Parisian Trip! (Why the hell is there no Eiffel Tower emoji?!) youtu.be/xZUmm3lf4…  

Love & Beats | Vol 03: “What I wish the DJ played last time I went to a club”

The third instalment of my “Love & Beats” series. This one is much longer, clocking in at 1:56:03, and filled with music that inspires me, ranging from chill downtempo, all the way to loud bass-heavy trap and future beats. [mixcloud www.mixcloud.com/tibz/love… width=100% height=400]


Along with a few (predominantly) American friends ranging from minorities to women, the first few days post-US election have been terrifying. From early reports of hate-crimes rising in the US to personal friends being insulted, there’s a lot of sad news coming from across the Atlantic. Here’s my good friend Ashley: In the days after the American election, I was threatened online again, a very chipper man on the internet threatening to rape me while telling someone else to grab my pussy.

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🇫🇷🇮🇹🇲🇨🚗💁🏻‍♂️💁🏼 Vlog 015 - Mission Accomplished!

Two weeks, I hosted my good friend Marisa, from California! Brace yourselves for Adventures across the French Riviera! youtube.com/watch

“The fear that propelled Donald Trump requires no logic”

By Maajid Nawaz, whom I’ve seen give a talk at TEDx Brighton: Only a new commitment to the universality of human rights and human dignity can lift us out of this current quagmire. But that will require foot soldiers of peace who preach what we have in common rather than how we are different; what we have gained, rather than what we have lost; and what we seek to achieve rather than what we have failed to accomplish.

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An American Tragedy - The New Yorker

The election of Donald Trump to the Presidency is nothing less than a tragedy for the American republic, a tragedy for the Constitution, and a triumph for the forces, at home and abroad, of nativism, authoritarianism, misogyny, and racism.  Trump is vulgarity unbounded, a knowledge-free national leader who will not only set markets tumbling but will strike fear into the hearts of the vulnerable, the weak, and, above all, the many varieties of Other whom he has so deeply insulted.

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Let's talk about Basic Universal Income.

The fact that the linked post’s title is about both Elon Musk and Basic Income is likely a big clickbait. In an interview with CNBC on Friday, Musk said that he believes the solution to taking care of human workers who are displaced by robots and software is creating a (presumably government-backed) universal basic income for all. I’ve been posting about this every now and then, mostly on Facebook to discuss it with my private circle of friends, but it looks like it’s really time to get our governments to experiment with this.

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Incoming Tranmission #7: Life in Transit

Hey everyone! It’s been nearly a week since my last edition of the Incoming Transmission Series. I was actually overdue to write about my latest news and projects, as well as finishing to upload my blogging archive, but I got swamped with work1 so I thought I’d send you a quick one from the plane, until you get more news. I’m writing this on the plane, on my way Up North.

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Incoming Transmission #6 - Vegipirate

My name is Eliott, I'm 25. I used to live in Paris, working as a consultant for a marketing agency (...) I've decided to do something else with this life, and create a new one for myself. A better life. Eliott (aka Vegipirate) is a really good friend. In fact, we go back to our late secondary school years (‘Collège’ in French.) Today, I wanted to share my friend Eliott’s story.

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[Quartz]:“No free work” is the wrong advice for creative people

Creative professionals are generally told not to work without a paycheck. But can strategically offering your services for free actually catapult your career? As always in the world of freelancing, career development, or even “growth hacks”, there are numerous advices you can read about online. However, spend enough time on these different articles, and you’re very likely to start reading the opposite theories. Personally, I strive to have a close personal relationship with my clients: if I feel that this relationship is likely to go well, I’m definitely up to sacrifice a short term financial gain over a reliable connection.

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Vlog 014 - Casual Work Week

Back to a more casual week, working across my flat and local coffeehouses. [youtube=youtube.com/watch

Hacked Cameras and DVRs Powered Today’s Massive Internet Outage

So… about Yesterday’s huge attack and DNS problem… “It’s remarkable that virtually an entire company’s product line has just been turned into a botnet that is now attacking the United States” [Source]

Virtual Immortality

Virtual Insanity Reanimating characters from TV shows [youtube=youtube.com/watch [via prosthetic knowledge — Virtual Immortality: Reanimating characters from…]

Incoming Transmission #5: A Podcast for Freelancers & Independent Workers out there

For all freelancers out there, I wanted to highly recommend this podcast from the talented folks at Relay.fm/1

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Incoming Transmission #4

aka Charlie’s Angels

Hello everyone! Welcome back for Issue #4 of my daily series of posts. I’m pretty stoked that I’ve been able to write these small posts once a day.

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“Europeans work about an hour less a day than Americans”

Americans continue to clock in far more hours than their European counterparts. Europeans worked 19% fewer hours than US citizens, which correlates to about an hour less each weekday, a new working paper shows. If you look through the post, you’ll notice that France has the second lowest number of hours worked per week, just before Italy, with about 19.3 hours. I’m not exactly sure where this comes from, and how it measures against the actual 35 hours work week we have here.

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Incoming Transmission #3

I found an interesting article yesterday: “Is Your Podcast Being Held Hostage By iTunes?” iTunes is notoriously finicky, and its team tends to take a Honey Badger approach to the concerns of indie podcast creators. You can file this under “OH HAI, This actually happened to me.” See, for about a month and a half, my podcast was essentially in iTunes limbo, which dropped my monthly listenership by about 60%.

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“Hate speech on Twitter reportedly steered Disney away from buying the company”

The trolls who take a toll on their fellow Twitter users with alarming regularity have finally taken a toll on Twitter itself. Bloomberg reports that the Walt Disney Co. ditched a potential acquisition of the social-media platform, in part because it did not want the family-friendly Disney brand to be associated with the hate speech… On a hopeful note: maybe this will get Twitter to look into it much more.

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U.S. journalist faces charges for covering a protest ↦

“Here’s a story about a prosecutor in North Dakota charging a journalist with ‘participating in a riot’ because he was unhappy with her coverage of that event.” An infamous quote from George Orwell comes to mind: “Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public relations.” [Source]

Incoming Transmission #2

This post marks an attempt to publish more personal & regular articles. I’ve actually written this part yesterday, but thought I’d split my post in two smaller and more manageable bits. …Continued from Part 1 Throughout the day, I try to switch off of my client work to catch up on interesting newsletters, and other bit of news.1 You can also find me hanging out on my Twitter or Facebook feeds sporadically.

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Once More With Feelings, GoPro Edition

Having recently purchased a GoPro to help me with my Vlogs, I was waiting to use the exciting new Quik Desktop, the laptop-friendly version of a french-made iOS app to help streamline the entire editing process. Turns out it was already available, but needed to be found on the support pages of the GoPro website. (It wasn’t on the main page when I looked 10 days ago.) Long story short, I’ve finally found, downloaded, and installed it, and I’m excited to give it a try!

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#FML: I could have met Jack Bauer today!

TL;DR: I could have met Jack Bauer today.

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Incoming Transmission #1

This post marks an attempt to publish more personal & regular articles. Let’s see if I manage to write more frequently. It’s Monday here. Just like any other time during the week, I woke up, and started my day with coffee and catching up on a TV show. Most Mondays, it’s a broadcast of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, from the night before. [youtube=www.youtube.com/watch After this start, I usually walk up the stairs in this lovely duplex apartment, to take a shower, which usually gives me time to listen to some music and clear my thoughts for the day.

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Print’s not dead – it’s regenerating — One Man & His Blog

It’s rare that I pick up a printed book or newspaper these days. But I’m buying more magazines than I ever have – they’re just better and more expensive.

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TibzLetter - Ready for Halloween 2016?

Every couple of weeks, I share personal updates to my subscribers over email. Here’s the latest issue of my “TibzLetter”.

Hey everyone!

It’s been about 3 weeks since my last newsletter. How’s it going?

Before we begin, here’s some relaxing music for you to listen to, while you’re reading this:

[mixcloud www.mixcloud.com/tibz/tibz… width=100% height=60 hide_cover=1 mini=1 light=1 autoplay=1]


It is Friday, October 14th at the time of writing. A lot has been happening, outside of work, and I’ve had a lot on my mind lately.

On today’s TibzLetter:

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[Coming Soon] Back in Paris

Hey everyone, Just taking a quick moment on this beautiful monday morning to let you know that I'll be in Paris between November 2-10th. And I'd love to meet up with readers of the blog, as well as friends and just about anyone else, hence this announcement. My plan during the week is to work, go out, have fun, attend a concert or two, and make the most of what the city has to offer.

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Just gonna leave this here for Friday… “How Sriracha is Made” — aka how the rooster sauce goes from chili plant to finished product [youtube www.youtube.com/watch …and another one, because I’m posting this on my lunch break: [youtube www.youtube.com/watch

Vlog 13: 2 days and a sweet treat...

youtube.com/watch As the fall settles in, here’s a short vlog, summing up two days, working and going out. Do you guys prefer shorter vlogs like this one?