I don’t necessarily agree with all the points made here, but some things are worth pointing out…
‘Every member of Forbes’s 2021 cryptobillionaires list is a man. A third of them attended Stanford or Harvard. Out of the 12 listed, only one isn’t white. The web3 narrative feels like a TEDx talk given to a survivalist group.’
Just upgraded my running/working out gear to some T-shirts and jogging/track pants from Castore — shit was expensive but wow it feels so good! Testing something. Had to get the @IlkayGuendogan away kit from last season: our best goal scorer
This is was long and had occasional pacing issues but I’m SO GLAD I finally got to see it and on the big screen!
As someone who loves storytelling and world-building and who grew up as a HUGE mythology geek, I really liked this!
Looking forward to seeing some of these characters again!!!
Happy first decade to The Verge, arguably one of the most important tech media publication of the past decade!
I remember how innovative they were from the very start!
”The Verge predates Alexa and the entire concept of Netflix original programming. We are older than Google Photos, Timehop, and Peloton; we launched with a glossy story on the first Nest thermostat. The very first Oculus VR prototype was shown to us in a Las Vegas parking lot.
One of the many perks living in Paris: I’ve got an all-you-can-eat pass to go to the cinema!
This evening I was planning an outing to an art house theater which was planning to show a 35mm screening of Sympathy for Lady Vengeance however their 35mm projector is down. So as a backup they’re showing The Host — which was also in my list…
Baseball Girl Korean Film Festival in Paris. Beyond the baseball aspects (which I love) this movie was more about societal and political issues. Highly recommend!
Annette La La Land meets Real Life meets Greek Tragedy
A Quiet Place Did not see the story going in this direction, and a good time at the movie! AQP 1&2 are such an experience to be enjoyed in theaters!
My local fried chicken place has finally reopened after months of shutting down during the winter and pandemic!
I’m super excited as they’re part of the way that I experience the neighborhood and I’m mildly addicted to fried chicken!
This makes for a lovely weekend outing and conclusion to the big reopening week here in France!
Wonderful takeover on Apple Music to celebrate #AAPI (Asian American & Pacific Islanders) heritage month!
If you can, watch the @MrEddieHuang interview and the short film about being Unapologetically Asian please do that too!
Perhaps it might seem strange to some people to praise the player who decided not to take the decisive free kick. What those people might not understand is that De Bruyne, by choosing to step away, was absolutely taking responsibility. In the process, he was also demonstrating why he had the captain’s armband on his sleeve.
Deferring to Mahrez highlighted De Bruyne’s other special quality – he is a selfless superstar
Little known thing about me: I take my fun very seriously!
The past year, living through this global pandemic, has definitely had its ups and downs. In these difficult times, I’m incredibly grateful to have found my place as part of a few wonderful online communities.
I’m proud to have recreated this sense of “life outside of work”, making new friends along the way!
To illustrate this point, I now have a regular spot on a weekly podcast, discussing all things Manchester City Football Club.
So let’s say I’m changing my first name… Would it make you look past the fact that I’m not as fair-skinned as other names? Like, if I get a “whiter” French name… What’s the idea, that I’ll whiten over time ? Oh sure, you “don’t even see color”. You have “a friend of a friend that’s even blacker than an Arab”, sorry.
If I was Asian and I changed my name, would that be easier for you to pronounce than “rice-paddy” ?
“France has fared better than many in the pandemic, especially when compared with the United States, Italy, Spain and especially Britain. Just don’t tell that to the French, who resent Mr. Macron for it more than ever.”
This is what I refer to when I say that my French people tend to be unreasonable… Nothing is ever good enough, regardless of results! 🤷🏻♂️
This week has been draining.
It’s no longer possible to stay on the sidelines and watch the situation silently. What’s happening now in the US is a fight that also happens here in France, and in many other places across Europe and around the World.
As a light continues to shine on societal inequalities in the US and the world, these are resources I have discovered that are helping to educate me on anti-racism and systemic racism.
"My Kindle could’ve been a hub for all of my reading, from newsletters to newspapers to subscription sites to books. Instead, it’s a thin electronic paperback book, and that’s all. That’s not nothing—but it could’ve been so much more."
“I believe more travel is good for humanity. The increasing availability of travel to people of every class all over the world creates far more than economic activity. Travel dramatically increases cultural liquidity. Like financial liquidity, it is a necessity for peace, prosperity, and common human purpose.” via @mhkt
Today I’m turning 28.
The past year has been a whirlwind of change, between moving to Dublin, continuing to work remotely as an independent freelancer, establishing our life in Europe, and recently getting engaged and preparing to marry the love of my life and move to Paris.
I’m getting ready to join an exciting company on a full-time job for the first time in 4 years, and moving back to Paris for the first time since 2012.
For the first blogpost of 2019, allow me to start off by wishing you a Happy New Year 2019!
It’s been a couple of weeks since my last email, and the end of the year for Shana and me has been simply focused on our Winter break and on planning to move out of Dublin.
Over the first week, we left Dublin and traveled back down to the South of France to stay with my family.
After exploring Malaysia together, we traveled back towards the west, stopping for a week in Dubai!
Over the course of a few days, we rediscovered the old town together, as well as the Burj Khalifa — the tallest building in the world — and finished it off with an amazing safari in the Emirati desert!
Over a year after the events, I've finally finished editing the video of our World Tour. In this video, you'll get to see our adventures in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. We had a ton of delicious food, went up the crazy skybox at the KL Tower, discovered the Batu Caves surrounded with monkeys, and went around the Museum of Islamic Arts and the Bird Park in the Botanical Gardens! [www.
“I believe it’s wrong to separate work and morality. [...] It means you should check whether the ethics and values of your employer align with your own. Especially in technology, where the impact of your work is felt by thousands or millions or even billions of people, it’s worth asking yourself more often: is the world I spend eight hours every day creating truly the world I want to live in myself?
I’ve been a supporter of @AS_Monaco since I was 7 years old, for the past 20 years. But what Paris has been able to accomplish from a Branding and Marketing perspective is nothing but impressive!
If you’re interested in Football/Soccer Culture and want to learn more about what France’s #ParisStGermain has been able to accomplish, this is for you!
Long-time and highly respected writer-turned-VC Om Malik is leaving Facebook.
“I don’t need [Facebook] and don’t miss it. (...) I left because it was making me someone I am not — someone who lives life through the eyes of others. There is a hard edge in Facebook life. People are always fronting — putting their best life forward. Just like startup life these days.” I’ve been thinking about this for years, but while I wish I could go through with it, being an expat and living in an international relationship where both my partner’s family & friends, as well as my own, are thousands of miles away, it is near impossible to keep in touch with the Big Blue.
From cries about “ethics in journalism” to “fake news,” journalists have been increasingly targeted by people acting in bad faith who do not care about the work they do, the challenges they face, or the actual context of their statements. Online trolls and harassers want us, the Times, and other newsrooms to waste our time by debating their malicious agenda. They take tweets and other statements out of context because they want to disrupt us and harm individual reporters.
This Vlog has been overdue for about 10 months — SORRY! However, this is a good review of my trip to Bali last August. Bali is a place I had always heard of but never visited. I've had some crazy experiences that I never thought would happen, like going to see a local football game of the Bali United Football Club or being hosted by my driver's family. All in all a very unique and utterly beautiful place!
“I'd rather enjoy myself creating stuff for a smaller, more forgiving and more engaged audience, than exhaust myself competing for an ever-bigger audience. That, after all, was the idea behind working part time, and staying self-employed, rather than continuing to crawl my way up the corporate ladder” [=]
We’re trained from an early age to associate the word “luxury” with the spending of money; with gilded extravagance and overconsumption. But the world, life, is full of tiny luxuries: indulgences of the sort that are easy to overlook if you’re not seeking them out and paying close attention. Colin Wright | My Exile Lifestyle
Like Casey Newton mentioned in his amazing newsletter: “The Interface”, the interview of Snapchat’s CEO Evan Spiegel at this year’s Code Conference is well worth watching!
[Spiegel is] his company’s most effective salesman by far. www.youtube.com/watch