
2021 is the year I spend less time on @Twitter but more time on @Untappd and @Vivino


Haven’t had a CASS since my trip to Korea in 2017! 🤤 🍺

2021 off to a good start 👑

The best NYE is the one you have in your own home #BonneAnnee #2021 #HappyNewYear #Byebye2020

“German Christmas Market” feast over-delivered!

Merry Christmas and happy holidays everybody 🎄

My German coworker came to Paris bearing GIFTS 🎁 🍻 🇩🇪

Happy Hannukah! 🕎

🍔 The (veggie) Burger Queen strikes again

Bar: stocked

I take my duty as a husband very seriously!

#Thanksgiving dinner was fantastic this year thankyouverymuch

Anyone who knows my wife knows how much she loves cheese— more than dessert! So I got her a CHEESE ADVENT CALENDAR this year 😆 🧀

Getting ready for Thanksgiving (since Thursday isn’t a holiday in France, we waited until the weekend)

Pumpkin pie & Espresso Martini!

We bought a bar cart!

Boozy couple of days

It’s about that time! #MCILIV

Two highlights of the day #GoodVibesOnly:

❤️ 🤩 😭

5:45pm local time, US election day. Beer o’clock? Bourbon Time?

About last night: #lockdown part deux, day one

And now for tonight’s entertainment… a gorgeous Australian beer (#Straya #Melbourne) with fantastic notes of chocolate

“In this house we take our food very fucking seriously”

Well, we’re going into to lockdown again so…

Fuck 2020, we livin’! Invest in yourself, your home, your life 😊

French weekend dinner

“French Fast Food & Home Décor”

About last night…