Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Following up on the previous post:
More and more, the notion of the classic American breakfast—bacon, eggs, toast, milk, coffee, and a glass of orange juice—is beginning to seem like a snapshot of a bygone era. Not only is the supply of orange juice becoming shaky, but so is that of eggs, milk, and coffee (not to mention other goods, such as chocolate and olive oil). None of this means that we’ll have to go without these foods anytime soon. But for everyday Americans, it will likely mean having less.
It’s hard not to look at this with a cynical “the writing has been on the wall, and you could have done something to prevent it but now all you can do is prepare yourselves for a different world you’ll have to adapt to because you’ve acted so unreasonably for so long as a country — and to some extent for at least 2 generations.”
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