[Movie Review] Phantom Thread

If we’re to rate this movie in itself, based on the technique, the depth of its characters, and the story, we’re talking about a 4.5/5.

Personally, I’d rate it a 4, just because the story is less compelling to me.

In any case, this is a really intense role for Daniel Day-Lewis who inhabits the character of Reynald Woodcock perfectly. The lead female character of Alma is also played incredibly well. The dynamic of power between these characters, and the complexity of their relationship is really well depicted and provides interesting contrasts. Between a creative man consumed by his work and who has to stay in control at all times, and his muse, who appears frail at first but develop a quiet strength overtime.

Watching this movie has me thinking deeply about the state of my own relationship and its dynamic. Introspection is one of the best things that art can bring out, when it has a purpose. Not all art needs to be purposeful, but this film by PTA definitely bring out something unique.

(Screening in 35mm, at Lighthouse Cinema, March 7th 2018)

Phantom Thread poster

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