TibzLetter — Getting Worried… and Political!

Every couple of weeks, I share personal updates to my subscribers over email. Here’s the latest issue of my “TibzLetter”.

After last week’s updates on updates on updates, I just wanted a very quick update with you wonderful people:

Yes, you read it right. In case you didn’t know, after a disastrous election results over Brexit in the U.K. and Trump in the US, France is up next.

Luckily my friend Liam just published this great piece. In just a few words, he sums up:

As for me, I’m planning to join a political movement, as hinted at previously and am considering making a donation have decided to make a donation to a political party for the first time in my lifetime. It’s important, and similarly to ditching New Balance, one should always put his money where his/her mouth is: VOTE WITH YOUR WALLET Y’ALL!

[caption id=“attachment_909” align=“alignnone” width=“2576”]A blurry picture from a great night out with Elodie, one of my best friends since I was 15! We went out for dinner and then wine: Beaujolais Nouveau! A blurry picture from a great night out with Elodie, one of my best friends since I was 15! We went out for dinner and then wine: Beaujolais Nouveau![/caption]

I did promise more updates:


…and that’s it for today folks!

As always, thanks for reading and sharing your feedback!

