Incoming Transmission #5: A Podcast for Freelancers & Independent Workers out there

For all freelancers out there, I wanted to highly recommend this podcast from the talented folks at

A quick pitch:

David Sparks and Jason Snell spent their careers working for the establishment. Then one day, they’d had enough. Now they are independent workers, learning what it takes to succeed in the 21st century. They are… free agents.

They are two friends who are independent workers/freelancers with their own business, and the conversation they have are sure to resonate with all of us here :wink: At least, I know they resonate with me, on a personal level!

Although I’ve been freelancing for over a year, which sounds like such a long time ago, I’ve been freelancing for over a year you guys! So, while I’m generally past the topics they’ve talked about on the podcast, so far, I totally identify and remember going through each and every one of the situations they discuss.

You can start with Episode #1 here. And check them out, to subscribe via your favorite podcast app.

  1. To be included in the upcoming post about podcasts... 
