Incoming Transmission #1

This post marks an attempt to publish more personal & regular articles. Let’s see if I manage to write more frequently.

It’s Monday here. Just like any other time during the week, I woke up, and started my day with coffee and catching up on a TV show. Most Mondays, it’s a broadcast of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, from the night before.


After this start, I usually walk up the stairs in this lovely duplex apartment, to take a shower, which usually gives me time to listen to some music and clear my thoughts for the day.

Then, it’s finally time to get to work. While I catch up on emails and other planning & notifications, I tend to listen to Monocle’s The Globalist 1, to catch up on global news, away from a crazy 24h news cycle.

At the moment, I’m actually quite worried about the humanitarian crisis in Syria, but also about the prospect of the upcoming Second Cold War - which sounds like something out of a Marvel comic book but is actually a real prospect. And these two issues are actually tied together. 2

[mixcloud… width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]


This week, I’ll be taking some of my client work in a different direction, and I’m excited to test new things to get better results on their behalf.

It’s always interesting to start with business goals and then look at what you can achieve at the current point in time, given the things that you can do, and the stuff that needs to be put on the side until you get the right assets and moving parts.

Check back tomorrow for Part 2 of this post.


  1.  Someone remind me to write a blog post about Monocle some time in the future! 
  2.  If you’re unfamiliar with it, please read up on this via The Guardian, which I consider a reliable source of information. 
